Bodrum Bulletin Newsletter Design – December 2011

Customer: Bodrum Bulletin Brief: Refresh the Bodrum Bulletin newsletter for 2012 with an emphasis on speed. Tools: HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Keep ReadingCustomer: Bodrum Bulletin Brief: Refresh the Bodrum Bulletin newsletter for 2012 with an emphasis on speed. Tools: HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Keep ReadingCustomer: Private Client Brief: Design of a party advert/invitation to reflect the theme of the party Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Keep ReadingCustomer: Trigger-Wheels Brief: Simple A5 advert to promote items in a specialist magazine Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Keep ReadingCustomer: Yalikavak Animal Welfare Group Brief: Design of a sponsorship certificate Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
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